what is truth? intro - ch 2
Read Ch Intro- 2 of "I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist." and complete accompanying study guide.
Discuss reading assignment (Intro-Ch 2)
Intro: Finding the Box Top to the Puzzle of Life
Ch 1: Can We Handle the Truth?
Ch 2: Why Should Anyone Believe Anything at All?
Starting with simple and foundational beliefs that affect how people think.
visual resources
ASAP go take the Class Reflection Survey.
Read chapter's Ch 3, 4 of "I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist."
Complete accompanying Study guide.
WARNING: This is a "peak" week for most students (EXTRA time will likely be required for this weeks assignments.) Budget your time accordingly.
To be human is to do more than just think like animals think. To be human is to reason, and to reflect, and to ask questions about life and its meaning.
-John Stonestreet, President of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview (from the forward of the book Forensic Faith by J. Warner Wallace)
Arguments of atheists include two general types of attack. First, atheists claim that those who believe in God are ignorant of scientific fact. They claim that the concept of God was invented by ignorant humans in order to explain the mechanisms for natural events in our world. Since science can now explain the mechanisms for many physical processes, atheists argue that God is no longer a necessary invention. Secondly, atheists rail against the many flaws and failures of organized religion. They argue that the proliferation of many religions and the public failures of the faithful reflect the absence of a good God.
McGrath, Patrick. Energy Is, Therefore God Could Be: Modern Science Refutes Atheism (p. 7). P.D.McGrath.