Student Comments

Real Comments from Starting Points Students & Parents

  • Just taking a deeper dive into who God is was great. Also, going over what the Trinity is was educational as I have always been a little confused on the subject.

  • I liked that we talked about different topics that I didn't understand.

  • Talking about the Apocrypha/Deuterocanon piqued my interest! This isn't something we discuss in my family, mostly because it hasn't come up, and I really like how this class is small enough that we can discuss different aspects of each point, and it allows me a little freedom to do some research at home.

  • I also liked seeing the Bible and hearing about the civil war soldier, Charles Hopper, who carried a New Testament Bible with him during the Battle of Shiloh.

  • It was very interesting to learn about man's heart. It was especially educational to understand that if God had not made man in His image, then man would not have had free will.

  • I asked you some questions you didn't know the answer and you replied, "I honestly don't know." I appreciate that.

  • I liked doing the maze.

  • Pastor Matt is good at explaining the tough topics and engaging his students in what they are learning.

  • He is kind and funny, and quick-witted. He is unashamed of his flaws and is good at explaining the content.

  • I liked starting the essay and working on putting my personality into what I write for the projects.

  • I actually was really interested in the story about your old coworker/friend.

  • I liked how he puts weird memes in his presentation slides.

  • I liked the way we discussed everything.

  • I didn't realize how similar The Chronicles of Narnia were to the Bible until now.

  • I liked the Family Feud game.

  • I enjoyed talking about the morals of genetic modification, and was captivated by the notion that you can clone your pet dog.

  • I was enthralled by our discussion about if it is acceptable by moral standards to destroy one's own life.

  • I wasn't aware of how much evidence there was for the existence of Jesus.

  • I was intrigued with our discussion about the consequences of a society that makes the fatal assumption that mankind was the result of random chemical reactions.

  • The paragraphs [in our workbook] made me think hard about the topics I was writing on.

  • I enjoyed finding Bible verses to back up my ideas and thinking about what I've learned through this class to make good paragraphs.

  • I was very challenged by the conversation we had in class about Halloween and how it relates to our Christian beliefs. It was a conversation that continued through the day amongst my family.

  • I hadn't ever truly known what morality and ethics meant, I'd always heard them though, so it was good to really dig deeper into those topics.

  • I enjoyed watching the testimony video to see how other people have come to the faith. It was really cool to see how Jesus spoke to them.

  • I feel good about my essay and having two people edit it [in class] helped.

  • I got to really see how much Pastor Matt loves Jesus and it made me love this class even more. I can't wait for class next week, and Starting Points is my favorite subject in school!

Parent Comments:

    • E---- enjoyed your class more than any other she's taken. I enjoyed it as well...I read all her books and we had lots of good discussions! My other daughter is looking forward to it next year along with Current Events.

    • Wow! A---- was so excited to tell me about your class! He said it's like listening to Perry Stone! He loves that you know and love Jesus and you know and love His Word. A---- doesn't speak up much in classes, but he is very comfortable with you.